Announcements of the boardSNiC: Exa-IT
Date: Wednesday 19 February
Location: Hilversum
The SNiC is an annually organised Dutch Computing Science symposium. This years SNiC has been organised by students from Leiden and will be about the subject of big data, one of the current hot topics in CS research. How does Google show the answer to your search query within a second? During the day, different aspects of big data will be discussed: finance, social media and communication. For more info, please check the website.
Tickets are sold by the Cover board for the price of €7,50 and include lunch, dinner and the bus-trip to Hilversum. Please note that the symposium will be held in Dutch!
Virtual Reality Lab + Borrel at CognAC
Date: Wednesday 26 March
Time: from 16:00 till 21:00
Location: Nijmegen
Join us on our visit to CognAC, the AI study association of Nijmegen, and get a tour in the Virtual Reality Lab of the university of Nijmegen. Afterwards there will be a borrel. All the other Dutch study associations are also invited, so this will be a great way to meet other AI students in the Netherlands and discuss the differences of the different studies throughout the Netherlands.
College Carrousel
Do you want to earn some extra money by making students in their forth year of high school enthusiastic about our faculty? We can use your help at the College Carrousel 2014! 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 april busses full of kids will arrive that need to be accompanied during the day. For helping us an afternoon, we will give you 15 euros. For a whole day, you will get 35 euros! It is also possible to help multiple afternoons or days. There are a couple of different jobs available, like guiding a group or giving a short presentation in Science Linx. When you are interested, just send an e-mail to the board and we will send you more information. Unfortunately for the international students, it is required for the College Carrousel to speak Dutch.
Actie is looking for new members
The Actie is looking for new members. The Actie is our activity committee, which organizes four activity per month. Do you like to organize lots of activities, including our borrel and do you want to have a large influence in how we fill our activities schedule? Sign up for the Actie by sending an email to
Date: Wednesday 3 March
Time: from 13:00 till 15:00
Location: Bernoulliborg room 280
The next Artificial Intelligence Student Meeting (or in short, KISO), will take place on the third of March. The KISO is a meeting by students, for students, to gather information and talk about the courses of the current and the previous periods. There are always members of the program committee of Artificial Intelligence at the meeting, who will use your information to improve the courses and the curriculum. The power of the KISO is that your feedback can still be used before it is too late, as the course can be improved while it is still in its current yearly run. If you wish to sign up for a more regular mailing list,, you can apply for the list on the Cover Website. The meeting will take place from 13:00 to 15:00, in room 280 of the Bernoulliborg. There will be cookies and drinks available for those who attend.