This is the newsletter that is sent weekly to all of our members. Is the newsletter unreadable? Read the newsletter in your web browser.



Game Night: Cards Against Humanity

Today, 21:30, De Boom (Rodeweg 1)

Yes! There finally is another game night. Did you miss the game night as much as we did? Then don’t hesitate, grab your bike and join us tonight! Among other things we will be playing Cards Against Humanity.

TopiConf 2016

Wed 25 May, 10:00, Deventer

A conference by and for Topicus employees. However, they much encourage students from all of the Netherlands to come to Deventer to join them. So we will visit Deventer for a whole day of IT!

If you decide to come to Deventer, the best way to get there is by train. It might be nice to know that for those who don’t travel free during the week, traveling costs will be reimbursed!

TAB-Talk: Anita & Inge (Alledaags)

Thu 26 May, 16:00, CACHE (Cover room)

One question that everyone who studies is asked is: “Do you already know what you are going to do after you’ve finished your thesis?”

After Anita Drenthen and Inge Doesburg finished their HMC master they went to work for a small company in Groningen that makes digital products. They will tell you something about what part of their study they apply in practice, and how working for a company is surprisingly similar as being with the university, or completely different.

But this is a TAB-talk, so if they want to digress to something else, or you want to ask questions about how to select your master programme, it is still a perfectly valid excuse to come by the CACHE Thursday the 26th.

Parent Day (Dutch)

Fri 27 May, 13:00, Bernoulliborg
Website / Registration form (deadline: 24 May)

Are you parents constantly asking what it exactly is you do when you are at the university? Cover’s Parent Day will give them a unique opportunity to see what Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science are all about! The day will be a mix of short lectures, a practical, presentations by alumni and a tour around the Bernouilliborg. At the end of the day there is a borrel and an optional barbecue.

Staff BBQ

Fri 27 May, 18:00, Bernoulliborg
Registration form (deadline: 24 May)

Join the staff BBQ and catch up with AI/CS staff, students, and parents! Before you know it the final exam weeks will start and after that everyone will enjoy their vacation, so use this opportunity to see everyone one more time this year (and enjoy some delicious meat and beer!).

The barbecue starts around 18:00 and takes place in font of the Bernoulliborg. The costs are € 8 per person (this includes food and beer/wine/soda).

If you are joining the Parent Day, you can register for the barbecue using the registration form of the Parent Day. If you are not joining the Parent Day, register for the barbecue using this form. You may still bring your parents (or other relatives), if you’d like.

Super Smash Tournament

Mon 30 May, 16:00, CACHE (Cover room)

As this day is the fifth Monday of May, we will celebrate this with yet another Mambo nr. 5! This time we will do so by having a Super Smash tournament.

So come join us and beat your rivals to pulp in this joyous event! We will start around 16:15 and the rules can be found in the Facebook event (once it’s up).

Yearbook Presentation Borrel

Wed 1 Jun, 21:30, De Tapperij

The year is coming to an end, so it is time for the yearbook to be handed out! This borrel will be the ultimate opportunity to get a book that helps you remember all the time you have wasted this year. With a book full of photos of your (drunk) face during Cover’s many activities, funny and interesting pieces of text written by boards and committees and the drunk messages your friends will write in your yearbook during this borrel. That means that this is a borrel you can’t miss!

The first 120 beers will be € 0.50 each. At 23:00 there will be snacks, followed by the presentation of the yearbook. Be sure to be there on time, so you don’t miss out on anything!

Furthermore, there will be plenty of beer (or other drinks), ‘gezelligheid’ and bad music during this borrel. So what are you waiting for? Come by and join us for the night you will remember with a hardcover souvenir of the year 2015–2016!


Looking for Committee Members

We’re looking for new members for several committees! You can find brief descriptions below. Contact if you want to learn more or if you’re interested in joining one (or several) of these!

✈️ MxCee (deadline: 25 May)
The MxCee organises a trip to a country outside of Europe. Last year an awesome trip to New Zealand was organized! We are now looking for people that are willing to organise a similar trip to a new destination. The trip is aimed to take place in November 2017, which leaves you with ample time to organise the trip and gather the required funding.

👔 SNiC (deadline: 27 May)
SNiC (Stichting Nationaal informatica Congres / National CS Conference Foundation) is a conference for all CS students in the Netherlands. Every year about 400 students attend, making the organizing of this is event quite challenging and a good addition to your CV. See the SNiC website for previous conferences, their topics and their organisers.

💰 AudiCee
Are you an expert when it comes to bookkeeping? Have you been treasurer of an association before? Are you concerned with/interested in the financials of Cover? Help us out and apply for the AudiCee, where you will audit the books of Cover and advise the treasurer!

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