ActivitiesCandidate Board Presentation
Mon 20 June, 22:00, De Tapperij
Join us on this borrel where the candidate board will be presented! The candidate board has already been approved at the last GA, but during this borrel they will be presented to the whole association. Besides that there’ll be plenty of opportunity to enjoy some beers for just €1 and socialize with fellow Cover members. We hope to see you at De Tapperij!
Lecture and borrel TNO
Tue 21 June, 15:00, room TBA
Met continuous delivery zorg je ervoor dat je software snel naar een ontwikkel- en productieomgeving brengt. Een bekend voorbeeld is Instagram, dat tot 50 keer per dag zijn software naar productie lanceert. Continuous delivery wordt steeds meer toegepast en de ontwikkelingen staan niet stil. Hetzelfde geld voor gecontaineriseerde software, waarbij je een micro-service architectuur toepast en kleine stukjes software ontwikkeld die snel te deployen zijn en makkelijk te verplaatsen zijn van bijvoorbeeld je (ontwikkel)laptop naar uiteindelijk productie. Hoe combineer je deze twee ontwikkelingen?
Tijdens deze presentatie laat TNO een nieuwe methode zien waarbij GitLab Runners ingezet worden om volledig automatisch Docker containers te bouwen en richting een ontwikkel- en productie-omgeving te deployen, gebruik makend van best practices rondom continuous delivery.
Na de lezing is er een gratis borrel voor de aanwezigen.
Blind Date Beer Pong Tournament
Tue 21 June, 21:00, Unitas SG
Registration form (deadline: 20 June)
Are you looking to play beer pong, or for a fun night with friends, or even for true love? Then this is the perfect event for you! Sign up now and we will couple you with your perfect teammate to play in our awesome beer pong tournament!
At 21:00 you can start by warming-up your throw and the tournament will start at 21:30. The tournament will cost a maximum of €7,50.
MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)
Wed 22 June, 17:30, Friesestraatweg 145
Registration form
How do you feel after the last exams being over? Did your efforts work out, or didn’t they? Either way, let some steam out in things that aren’t related to studying: come join us for some mixed martial arts!
Participating in the MMA is free and we will eat for €5 per person afterwards.
Multitasking Symposium
Thu 23 June, 11:00–17:00, Het Kasteel (Melkweg 1)
Multitasking becomes ever more pervasive in everyday life. It is therefore important to have a better understanding of how the human brain processes multiple tasks. This can help us predict whether any given combination of tasks go well together. Furthermore it is important to know the nature of choice in multitasking: when do people choose to take on a secondary task, or decide to switch from one task to another. A better understanding can help to improve human-computer interaction, and to make people aware of how they can improve their own multitasking.
The symposium features a series of talks by international experts in the field and will be concluded with a panel-discussion around the question of what we have learned from research on multitasking and interruptions so far.
Borrel party: Geordie Shore
Wed 6 July, 21:30, De Tapperij
Did you love all the drama and gossip of the last months? Then you will LOVE our borrel party! This time we are back! This time things are going pure radge! This time there is gonna be more necking on, more kick offs, more drama, more tears, and more drunkenness. Cover is back in the fucking mix. So get some tattoos, put on your fake lashes and hair extensions, flex your muscles and let’s get fucking mortal on July 6th. We are fucking buzzin’!
To help you get fucking mortal, you can drink from our free KEG from 10:30 pm!
Dresscode: Geordie Shore. (Shop tip: Primark.)