AnnouncementsNice to know!
TesLAN: The TesLAN is back! This time taking place from January 3rd until January 5th. With last year's numbers going over 200 participants, we're sure to give everything we've got to make this 48h LAN Party even better than last year’s! Both the experienced as well as the more casual gamers are welcome with competitions in games such as: CS:GO, LoL, RL, Heartstone, COD Prophunt, Mario Kart,, Beerpong, Minecraft, and many more for you to enjoy! For an entry fee of €20,- this includes: breakfast/lunch, a place to sleep, bitterballen, and more than €4000,- worth of prizes! More info here.
Shirt A La Minute: As a Cover member, you get 15% discount on product from Shirt a la minute.
We want you to be in a committee!
Here is a cool thingy for our new members: Ever heard of a committee?
A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members! If you want to apply for a committee please email A resume or motivation is optional, so feel free to just tell him you are interested!
The Cover Room, the beating heart of Cover. The Memory keeps this heart beating but always making sure the room is open for a few hours every week. You get to decide how the interior looks as well as being in charge of the Thursday Afternoon Drinks every week.
The ParenTee is the committee responsible for showing the studies and university to students' parents. They do this by organising a parents day where you can invite your parents to take a tour. If you want to show your parents or your peers parents around, sign up for this committee.
The PubliciTee is the committee that designs, create and prints posters for Cover. They assure the quality of the Cover's posters, so that committees are able to focus on other tasks, without having to worry about posters.
Is there a topic of which you could never tire? You would like to hear about different experts from the field for a whole afternoon? Then organising a symposium is right up your alley! The SympoCee organises a symposium every year for this very purpose, to educate Cover members on a wider range of topics.
Every year Cover organises the Introduction Day and Camp for first-year students of AI and CS. If you would like to be responsible for this amazing weekend filled with great activities and people, then sign up now for the IntroCee.