This is the newsletter that is sent weekly to all of our members. Is the newsletter unreadable? Read the newsletter in your web browser.


New term, new luck...

Dear members,

With every new term come new opportunities... and more Cover events! The coming week is once again jam-packed with exciting activities!

We start off with a pilot experiment we call Function Discussion: Secretary. Here, members interested in either becoming a secretary for committees, exceeding in being one, or just interested what this job entails in general, can join for a fun and interesting time to share opinions and experiences. Every member is welcome!

On Tuesday, the "young" YearbookCee, will present the yearbook out of time that almost didn't happen! The revealing will be accompanied by a short quiz about the ancient year '16-'17 which this yearbook is all about. Join us in the Cover room for some free beers and snacks. Find out more here.

On Wednesday, we jump-start this term with our monthly social, but this time with a twist... Come and be mesmerised by the clashing of two opposite worlds: computer vs language; girl vs boy; and, TW!ST vs Cover. As the gender-gap closes, this social will catapult you right in the mood for Valentine's Day. There will be 100 free beers and some Valentine-themed activities. Join us at the HEARTY PARTY Social.

Lastly, on Thursday, there will be an interesting TAD talk in the Cover room. We invited Ticketguard to talk about their start-up. This start-up was co-founded by a Cover member and they are developing a system to make event tickets secure and make sure they stay at a fixed price. With this system, they offer a solution for the recent trend of buying tickets and reselling them at a higher price.

All the best,



Nice to know!

Beta Business Days 2019: Do you want to orientate on future career options, find internships or even job opportunities? The Beta Business Days 2019 takes place on the 11th and 12th of March in MartiniPlaza. Boost your career and go to to sign up for presentations, interviews, cases and much more! Deadline: March 3rd.

Vacancy Universiteitsbibliotheek: The University Library is looking for someone to upgrade the Twitter Archive in the short term for the DNPP department (Documentation Center for Dutch Political Parties). The developer should have knowledge of a MySQL and Laravel framework. The restoration of the Tweets and taking care of the completeness and correctness of the data is the highest priority. An infinite number of characters (no maximum) must be set in the repository. Furthermore, creating a front-end is important. The appearance of it could be derived from the recently revamped website, so that the repository is recognisable as being from DNPP (and the RUG). In addition, visitors should be given the opportunity to search in the tweets of politicians, parties and their subsidiaries by using a search function. If you are interested, please contact: Pieter van Boven ( or Teijo Doornkamp (

PhD positions in Munich: The Munich School for Data Science (MUDS) is calling for applications! The general aim of MUDS is to train doctoral candidates at the interface of data science and the scientific domains pursued at the three participating Helmholtz centers. Methodologically, it will cover a broad range of topics, from large-scale data management to data mining and data analytics (including machine learning and deep learning), from high-performance computing to high-performance analytics; from data integration to data-related topics such as uncertainty quantification, model-order reduction, or multi-fidelity methods. The primary fields of application are biomedicine, plasma physics, Earth observation and robotics. Apply or find out more here.

We want you to be in a committee!

Here is a cool thingy for our new members: Ever heard of a committee? A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members! If you want to apply for a committee please email A resume or motivation is optional, so feel free to just tell him you are interested!


The Cover Room, the beating heart of Cover. The Memory keeps this heart beating but always making sure the room is open for a few hours every week. You get to decide how the interior looks as well as being in charge of the Thursday Afternoon Drinks every week.


This is Cover's safest committee. The members of this committee can be asked to perform as an ERO at several activities. If something happens around the Cover Room we can of course also be of help. Apply if you are interested in being a true HERO.


The ParenTee is the committee responsible for showing the studies and university to students' parents. They do this by organising a parents day where you can invite your parents to take a tour. If you want to show your parents or your peers parents around, sign up for this committee.


The PropaganDee is the committee that designs, create and prints posters for Cover. They assure the quality of the Cover's posters, so that committees are able to focus on other tasks, without having to worry about posters.


Is there a topic of which you could never tire? You would like to hear about different experts from the field for a whole afternoon? Then organising a symposium is right up your alley! The SympoCee organises a symposium every year for this very purpose, to educate Cover members on a wider range of topics.

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