This is the newsletter that is sent weekly to all of our members. Is the newsletter unreadable? Read the newsletter in your web browser.


Apply for Board 28

Open Board Meeting

We urge you to consider applying for the Cover board. An association like Cover can only be kept alive by us students, and if there will not be a new board next year, Cover will have to severely downgrade on many fronts. We want to emphasise how truly unfortunate that would be. If you have some time to spare next year, and you find yourself willing to do your part for the association, please consider applying. For more information click here.

Next week, we do ...

Study Support Lecture

Struggling to determine the determinant? 3 dimensional matrix transformations onto the 5 dimensional plane just sounding like a star trek quote? Join us at the Studcee support lecture for LA&MVC where we will go through a past exam and answer any questions you might have about the course.

Study Support Lecture

Too many search algorithms too keep track of? can't satisfy your constraints? Come to the Studcee support lecture for AI 1 where we will go through a past exam and give solutions. We will also answer any questions you might have on the course!

General Assembly

In this upcoming General Assembly, we discuss important topics such as the future of the association. A General Assembly is a meeting to which every member (and only those) is invited to discuss the future and current state of the association. If you are interested in the internal affairs of Cover, come and join a discussion about events, the budget, the committees and exciting ideas. All major decisions are made at General Assemblies, so, needless to say, it is important that as many members as possible are present.

Study Support Lecture

Are your language and machines studies grinding to a halting theorem? Struggling to make your proofs? come to the language and machines Studcee support lecture where we will go through a past exam and show solutions. We will also answer any questions you have on the course!

We want you to be in a committee!

A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!

RoomCee: The Cover Room is the beating heart of Cover. The RoomCee keeps the room open and organised. You get to decide how the interior looks and you are in charge of the Thursday Afternoon Drinks every week.

HEROcee: This is Cover's safest committee. The members of this committee can be asked to perform as an ERO at several activities. If something happens around the Cover Room we can of course also be of help. Apply if you are interested in being a true HERO.

PropaganDee: The PropaganDee is the committee that designs, creates and prints posters for Cover. They assure the quality of Cover's promotion.

Studcee: The StudCee is the committee that provides study related activities for Cover. They give study support lectures for courses in the degree programme, workshops to develop skills as well as managing an exams and summaries database. They have recently created a tutoring system which allows our members to find tutors easily.

Nice to know

Groninger Forum: The Groninger Forum is looking for people who can help with providing insight and tips for their upcoming Artificial Intelligence exposition. If you are enthusiastic about AI and the soon-to-be Groninger Forum, contact the board at

Weleurn: Did you do an internship? Would you like to help out your fellow students AND have a chance to win a great prize? Then go to and share your internship experience! - the Weleurn Team

MEU: Schrijf je nu in voor Model European Union Netherlands! Een MEU is een zo realistisch mogelijke simulatie van de Europese Unie (Raad, Parlement en Trialoog). Het evenement zal plaatsvinden van 8 tot 13 Juli in Den Haag, en we verwachten 100 deelnemers van over de hele wereld. Heb je interesse om mee te doen? Meld je aan via: hier. (Deelnamekosten zijn €99, verblijf kan geregeld worden voor €125 extra). Meer info? Check hier.

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