Three reasons why...After a long period of looking for candidates, we are proud to propose the candidate board for the next academic year! The proposed candidate board is comprised of
Marieke Kopmels: Chairman & Secretary
Janco van der Molen: Treasurer & Commissioner of Educational Affairs Feline van Aagten: Commissioner of External & Internal Affairs
We wish them an insane amount of luck and fun; and we are looking forward to making things official as soon as possible!
All the best,
Board - Ad Hominem
Also, this happens to be the last newsletter of this academic year. Therefore, we wish you all a very nice summer, and hope can you recharge your academic batteries over the next weeks! Have a good one!
We want you to be in a committee!
A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!
SympoCee: A symposium is a big event consisting of multiple speakers and activities surrounding a topic. Have you enjoyed events like the SNiC or the Career Day? Then, organising a symposium might be just right for you! You will learn many life skills, like how it is to find speakers and how the finances behind a big event like this work, and of course, how it is to work within a group of other students. The SympoCee is the committee that organises this symposium every year.
ExCee: This committee organises a multi-city trip for usually more than a week! Joining this committee means to design and plan for the perfect trip for you and your fellow members. You decide on where to go and how to spend the money. You will experience how it is to work towards an extraordinarily rewarding experience, while making friends on the go. For more information and inspiration check out the website of the previous ExCee (Excursion Committee).
MxCee: Similiarly to the ExCee, the MxCee (Mega Excursion Committee) organises a trip spanning cities, countries and (sometimes) continents! Is organising an ExCee too easy for you? Then you might want to consider joining this committee: a trip that is longer, farther and more expensive!
RoomCee: The Cover Room is the beating heart of Cover. The RoomCee keeps the room open and organised. You get to decide how the interior looks and you are in charge of the Thursday Afternoon Drinks every week.
PropaganDee: The PropaganDee is the committee that designs, creates and prints posters for Cover. They assure the quality of Cover's promotion.
Studcee: The StudCee is the committee that provides study related activities for Cover. They give study support lectures for courses in the degree programme, workshops to develop skills as well as managing an exams and summaries database. They have recently created a tutoring system which allows our members to find tutors easily.