This is the newsletter that is sent weekly to all of our members. Is the newsletter unreadable? Read the newsletter in your web browser.


Gala upcoming!

Hey All! As the Christmas break is almost there, we're getting ready for the last activity of this year: the Christmas Gala! Sign up here and be sure to include the song you'd like to hear during this lovely evening. The costs of a ticket are €23,50 for unlimited drinks, including Dutch liquor! One last thing: don't forget to wear a mask and see you there!

Also, as some of you might already know, the StudCee has started a summary competition! You can earn one of the StudCee mugs as a price whilst helping out many other students prepare for their exams. You can send in your summaries and other study material here!



We want you to be in a committee!

A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!

ActiviTee: This is the activities committee, also known as the "ActiviTee". They make sure that members of Cover have plenty of fun activities to go to outside the Cover room. You can think of drinking activities, creative activities, relaxing activities or more sportive activities. It has something for everyone! We also have a social (“borrel” in Dutch) every first Wednesday of the month in 't Gat van Groningen. Besides this, we organize a big end of the year party in December and a special big activity before the summer break.

RoomCee: The RoomCee is responsible for making sure the Cover room is kept open and fully stocked with snacks and drinks. The room is a nice place to waste your time and keeping it that way is our number one priority. Every thursday at 16:00, there is a social in the room, the TAD. You're invited to come by for a beer, wine or soda!

Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Feline, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs!

Nice to know

BBD: You might have attended the Beta Business Days at some point in your live, you might have heard about it from your friends, or maybe you haven’t heard about it at all. In any case, we are very interested in your opinion regarding our event. This survey is meant to give us some insights into any thoughts you might have about the BBD in general. It will only take 4-5 minutes of your time and if you do us the honor of filling it in, you might win a price as well! Of all the respondents, we will randomly select three winners who will receive either a JBL box or a very nice gift card. Fill out the form here!

Summary Competition: Do you always make great summaries? So you want recognition for how amazing these summaries are? Then the first ever biannual summary competition is perfect for you! All the summaries submitted to StudCee will be automatically entered into the summary competition, and at the end of each semester the writers of some of the best summaries will receive a coveted StudCee mug! So don't hesitate and submit your summaries here now! (Don't forget to put your name in the summary though, otherwise the mug cannot be awarded!)

This is Cover's weekly newsletter. If you want to contribute to the newsletter send your ideas here. To subscribe to this mailing list or others, click here

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