Radio Check!Hey hey,
Schlagballing is surprisingly fun! Honestly I didn't know what I signed-up for. I thought it was like bitterball or eierball, but apparently it involved running and hunting balls. To be fair though, it was more fun than eierballen (angry incoming messages...).
On Tuesday, Davide Grossi, our in-house associate professor gave his insights on the field of AI and its underlying types of intelligence in another successful edition of CoverTalks! Keep an eye out for the next batch! You can find the recording of the talk here.
As you can see on the left, our lovely StudCee is organising all kinds of support sessions to get you ready for the upcoming exams. 1 hand is not enough to count how many times they have saved me...
Last but not least, a Cover Radio is coming up next Thursday! Tune in to catch up with the board, while we play some fun games and listen to music! You can also send in requests for songs, games, and conversation topics in the radio text channel on our Discord.
We want you to be in a committee!
A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!
The SporTee is the committee that makes sure we get away from our desks every now and then! They have organized many different activities, ranging from a lowkey game of ultimate frisbee to bigger outings such as paintball. Do you have crazy, sporty ideas for fun events? Then this is the one for you!
The ComExA, or Committee of External Affairs, supports the Commissioner of External Affairs by contacting companies and organizing events with them. This committee is a great introduction to some of the companies that might await you after you graduate!
The IlluminaTee organizes events together with the Commissioner of Educational Affairs, that will be educational and supplementary to the degree programs, such as the CoverTalks!
ActiviTee: The ActviTee organizes all kinds of fun events for Cover members, ranging from relaxing to sportive, creative, and drinking activities. Besides socials (or "borrels" in Dutch), they organize a big end of year party in December and a special activity before the summer break.
Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Amber, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs!