Hype!Hey hey all!
Fun fact! Did you know that you can get a 3-course fancy dinner + drinks + good fun for only 17.5€? That's right, the Cover Gala is coming up! Hurry up though, as the sign-ups for the Gala close tonight and time is running out!
Next week, we also have the LATEX workshop coming up, to make sure that you know everything there is to know about this weird, but super-useful typesetiting tool! Ok, the workshop won't teach you everything about LATEX, but close enough.
Later on next week, we are hosting another Cover Radio! And this one is special, as we have a newly upgraded server with super crispy audio (or so I've heard (haha kinda funny unintentional joke haha)). Other than some ASMR, we are going to be playing some games and stuff!
Envelopes, pens, no internet, pigeons and snails. If these words sound enticing enough, have a look into the Snail Mail/Letter Chain we are setting up. It's cool beans. We promise that any and all pigeons, snails and beans involved in this operation are not going to be hurt.
This is a clickbait
We want you to be in a committee!
A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!
Every year Cover organises the Introduction Day and Camp for first-year students of AI and CS. If you would like to be responsible for this amazing weekend filled with great activities and people, then sign up now for the IntroCee!
This committee creates beautiful promotional materials for Cover's events, that are displayed as posters and social media posts (such as our Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn). If you have a passion for graphic design and want to flex your creative muscle, this is the one for you!
The IlluminaTee organizes events together with the Commissioner of Educational Affairs, that will be educational and supplementary to the degree programs, such as the CoverTalks!
Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Amber, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs!