Once upon a time...
Once upon a time, there was a boy called Jimmy from Shrilingan. Have you not heard of this place? Of course not. Only elves, partridges and polar bears know of Shrilingan. And "the big man himself", naturally.
Ice bath. If that sounds chilly, you can't imagine the piercing cold in this minuscule town. The fierce wind brushes over the grass with its icy breath. Luckily, the crackling fireplace showered Jimmy with warmth and calamity. But he was no ordinary kid. Filled with wanderlust, curiosity and restlessness, a trip he will do!
One sweater. No! Two sweaters. Three sweaters and a half is what he settled on. Enough to keep him warm over his long-lasting expedition. Where will he go? Where does he want to go? Of course: The Netherlands! The mythical land of Oliebollen, Kruidnoten and Kerststol.
It was Wednesday. For free he could travel that day. With pride, excitement and courage he battled through the wind to arrive at the polar bear station. Sadness and sorrow filled him when the partridge that worked there informed him of the 5 minutes delay. Not only was his journey adjourned, but his tiny, Lilliputian hands also started to freeze from the blistering cold.
Just in time the beast arrived. Little Jimmy jumped on the bear with excitement! His journey had finally began! After a few hours of intense teleportation, the polar bear express finally landed in Airport Eelde. With his face-mask still on, little Jimmy got off the boat and paddled his own canoe all the way to the terminal. Ah, was this whole voyage a dream? It sure felt real. Certainly it was non-fictitious. As real as the Dutch watery weather that welcomed him.
He jumped on the next bus. Destination: Zernike. The bus driver wasn't too happy to see Jimmy's sweater drench water all over the wooden, hickory, floor.
Next Stop: Nijenborgh. Little Jimmy was lying fast asleep on the sofa of the bus. There was no better time. The bus driver got off the bus, walked to the Bernoulliborg and went straight for the Cover Room.
Oh! What a surprise! A perfectly square box was there with a message attached to it:
Dear Bus Driver,
This is a gift from Cover
for all your hard work and patience.
P.S. We are sorry for your soaked bus floor
Ah, he was delighted! A Christmas present! The bus driver opened it up and with a spark in his eyes laughed out loud. So much, that the "big man himself" could hear him! Was it a potato? No. Was it an oliebol? Also no. Was it maybe a new floor for his bus? No. The gift was even more splendid! An invitation to the Christmas Movie Night hosted by the RoomCee! Come join us on Sunday at 21.00 when we will watch a Christmas movie together! The bus driver sure is excited about it.
We want you to be in a committee!
A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!
The DisCover is the magazine of the association, filled with interesting articles, columns, comics, puzzles, and much more! Topics can range from the latest advances in AI/CS research to gaming and anime. Are writing, editing, or making beautiful layouts among your strong suits? Then apply now!
Complaints Committee:
Are you a great listener and diplomat? Then the Complaints Committee might be the committee for you. They listen to all parties involved in an interpersonal conflict and come up with a proposed solution.
If the words talks, bootcamps, and researchers make your heart flutter, then look no further! The IlluminaTee organizes educational events related to AI/CS/HMC, together with the Commissioner of Educational Affairs.
Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Amber, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs!