Everyone is sick, but at least there's Saint NicGooooood evening everybody,
I hope you had a fantastic week! I definitely did. SNiC was simply a blast, as per usual. Whether you got to have a look into the dark net, learned about the creative problem solving in the game industry or had a good dance to the live coding demo, it was a day full of interesting experiences. The Machine Learning Fortnight also came to a glorious end and I'm sure you are already looking forward to next year! On Thursday we had an intruder in the Cover Room. The security camera footage has been shared in the Online Cover Room, but it seems he may have left things, rather than steal them.
Sint and Piet, with joy they descend,
On Monday, in Cover, a day to attend.
Games and laughter, gifts to share,
Tomorrow's magic fills the air.
If you didn't manage to talk to Booking.com during the SNiC, or you were not able to go, on Wednesday you will have another change. They are hosting an engaging lecture on how they handle bugs and outages in a large scale business. This lecture will specifically uncover the strategies Booking.com employs to turn setbacks into stepping stones, right at the heart of the tech world.
This Friday, it is Purple Friday. This is a day on which pupils and students can show their solidarity with LGBTIQ+ people by wearing the colour purple at school (I guess I am already one step ahead). In the Netherlands, the day has been held on the second Friday of December every year since 2010. In honour of this we will celebrate freedom & show our solidarity with a couple of drinks during this week's TAD!
And don't forget, next week Monday on the 11th of December we will have a General Assembly, starting at 18:00. A General Assembly is a meeting to which every member (and only those) is invited to discuss the future and current state of the association. All major decisions are made at General Assemblies, so, needless to say, it is important that as many members as possible are present.
Auf Wiedersehen, Jellybean!
Tabea <3
We want you to be in a committee!
⚠️ Here is a cool thingy for our new members: Ever heard of a committee? A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!
Do you like designing posters? Marketing events? Posting on social media? PropaganDee is the committee for you! PropaganDee supports other committees in creating posters for their events and upkeeps Cover's magnificent Instagram page. If design interests you or you want to join the most creative committee, join PropaganDee now!
Do you want to learn how to make and maintain a website and other digital infrastructure? AC/DCee is the committee for you. Whether you already know a lot about web development or want to learn about it, this committee is interesting for everyone. Do you want the tasks of fixing bugs, redesigning some of the webpage, or undertaking a project to further Cover's digital infrastructure, you can do it all in AC/DCee!
Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Luca, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs!