This is the newsletter that is sent weekly to all of our members. Is the newsletter unreadable? Read the newsletter in your web browser.


Smokin' Good

Hi there,

We are starting to get to that time of a block again, where the exams are getting closer. To help, there are a few support lectures organised again, so make sure to check them out.

On Monday we will have our End-of-year BBQ. Our BBQ extravaganza is a celebration of all things grilled, and we guarantee an experience that will satisfy even the most discerning palates. For only €5,- you get a full-fledged meal and can celebrate another academic year coming to an end with us.

After the big success of the last workshop, SporTee is bringing a second and slightly different edition to the agenda! So, are you looking for a sizzling way to spend your evening? At the Latin Dance Workshop you can dive into the passionate world of Latin dance with a partner at one of Groningen's oldest and most prestigious dance schools, Balletschool LaDanse!

If you want to ReCover a little from the pressures of the upcoming exams the Meditation Moment will be right for you. Join us for a moment of mindful meditation as we quietly listen to classical music together in the Cover Room.

Finally we are closing off the week with the RDW Self Driving Challenge. With this challenge, the RDW offers students from all over the Netherlands the opportunity to develop their skills in smart mobility. This year, a total of 9 student teams compete against each other by driving their self-driving vehicles on the circuit.

Auf Wiedersehen, Jellybean!

Tabea <3

We want you to be in a committee!

⚠️ Here is a cool thingy for our new members: Ever heard of a committee? A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!

Every year, Cover organises a Symposium. Symposiums are one-day events that are filled with great talks on a range of many different topics. Did you enjoy the last Symposium? Are you passionate about any particular talks? Interested in coming into contact with talkers passionate in their field? Join SympoCee to help organise this unique event next year.

Do you want to learn how to make and maintain a website and other digital infrastructure? AC/DCee is the committee for you. Whether you already know a lot about web development or want to learn about it, this committee is interesting for everyone. Do you want the tasks of fixing bugs, redesigning some of the webpage, or undertaking a project to further Cover's digital infrastructure, you can do it all in AC/DCee!

Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Luca, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs!

Nice to know

Old Dance

The oldest known dance dates back over 9,000 years. Archaeologists have discovered cave paintings in India depicting people in various dance poses, suggesting the existence of dance as a form of expression since ancient times.

This is Cover's weekly newsletter. If you want to contribute to the newsletter send your ideas!

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