Good Luck StudyingHolla, die Waldfee!
Exams are coming up... To help, there are a few support lectures organised again, so make sure to check them out.
I hope you have all the energy you need to study for the upcoming exams and you can find some time to rest inbetween!
Auf Wiedersehen, Jellybean!
Tabea <3
We want you to be in a committee!
⚠️ Here is a cool thingy for our new members: Ever heard of a committee? A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!
Are you interested in organising fun events and diverse activities throughout the whole year? ActiviTee is looking for members! They organise socials and parties, a gala and a BBQ among anything else that tickles their fancy. This is a great place to find out more about organizing simple activities!
Are you passionate about sustainability or would just like to organise chill fun events? SustainabiliTee is the place for you. They organise chill events throughout the year like cooking workshops, talks about sustainability with a lot of other events! If you don't know much about sustainability, not a problem, not is not at all required and it is a great place to learn. Join SustainabiliTee now!
Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Luca, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs!