This is the newsletter that is sent weekly to all of our members. Is the newsletter unreadable? Read the newsletter in your web browser.


Hello again!

And so another week of university has passed. Time really does fly. It has been quite a stressfull week for me, but I am definitely having a lot of fun settling into my role as next Chairman of Cover. I hope that by now you have all had a chance to drop by the Cover room for some fun and games. If not, then feel free to do so, I will be here pretty much always.

This week we had the last full GA of the current board. Finally the changed statutes have been approved!!! A massive thank you to everyone who showed up to the GA and helped in doing so, it is much appreciated! The next GA will be the CGA, in which we will be hammered in, stay tuned on the Cover calendar for more info, we would love to see you there.

Next week promises more fun events for you to enjoy. We will start the week of by doing some Stand-Up Paddling in Hoornseplas. Two days later will be a very special event: Cover's Birthday🎉🎉!!!!!! To celebrate our so called "Dies Natalis" (day of birth) we will play some childhood games like Dodgeball and Apenkooi during the Ultimate Dodgeball Dies Natalis. Right after this we will head to "Ouzerie de Olijfboom" to have our traditional birthday dinner, make sure you sign up as there are limited spots.

Lastly, The signups for the preliminaries of the BAPC have opened. The BAPC stands for "Benelux Algorithmic Programming Contest". If you are interested in participating in a big programming competition, then this is the event for you!

More from me next week, stay tuned!

See you at the bbq🍖🍺!


We want you to be in a committee!

⚠️ Here is a cool thingy for our new members: Ever heard of a committee? A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!

Are you interested in organising fun events and diverse activities throughout the whole year? ActiviTee is looking for members! They organise socials and parties, a gala and a BBQ among anything else that tickles their fancy. This is a great place to find out more about organizing simple activities!

Studcee is one of our most important educational committees. They organize support lectures for all your (least) favorite courses. They also manage our study channels (which you can find here and our exam database.

Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Luca, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs, or Phillip our Candidate Secretary and Commissioner of Internal Affairs!

Nice to know

Which came first?

The age old question... what came first, the chicken or the egg? Let's make this question a little easier: What came first, the match or the lighter? Easy right? A little wooden stick, or the highly advanced mechanical object. The answer is of course: The lighter! The lighter was invented in 1823, while the match was invented in 1826.

Nederland or Nederland?

Did you know.. That there is a village in the Netherlands that is called "Nederland" It can be found in the province of Overrijsel in the municipality Steenwijkerland.

This is Cover's weekly newsletter. If you want to contribute to the newsletter send your ideas!

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