This is the newsletter that is sent weekly to all of our members. Is the newsletter unreadable? Read the newsletter in your web browser.


Cantus Comeback

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you guys recovered from the cantus yesterday and are rejuvenated by all the joyous singing. I sure am! We have a bunch of fun events coming up in the coming weeks.

On the 20th the universities lovely programming committees are organizing a wonderful meet and greet with free pizza.

The day after the wise IlluminaTee, is organizing a Crash and Compile Competition. Here you can solve coding problems while drinking beer; What's not to love? We look forward to seeing you there.

Our crafty CircuitRee, has prepared a nice new workshop for you guys. We will be making our very own Macro Pads, which you will of course get to take home and use afterwards. We can't wait to see you there.

With educational greetings,

Teun Boersma

We want you to be in a committee!

⚠️ Here is a cool thingy for our new members: Ever heard of a committee? A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!

DisCover is the name of Cover's magazine and of the committee behind it. The committee is responsible for gathering, creating, and editing content, and determining what goes into the magazine. If you are interested in writing or designing the next edition of Cover's yearly magazine, DisCover would be the perfect committee for you

Are you good at mediating? Can you de-escalate and resolve conflicts or would you like to learn how? Then the Complaints Committee is for you! The complaints committee handles complaints confidentially and aims to solve the issues that come up. Through this committee, you can learn how to deal with conflicts and solve issues between people, a useful tool in the long run.

Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Phillip, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs.

Nice to know

Shirt a la minute

Did you know committee members are allowed one free print on one piece of clothing per committee per year? Well now you do! We are partnered with local vendor Shirt a la minute where by ordering through them, Cover gets 20% discount on the print. Committee clothing is the best way to show your Cover pride and get something comfortable to wear. So, committee members: Talk to your chair and get some swag sorted!

GUTS Casting Call

GUTS is looking for people to be a part of the production of Shakespeare's "As You Like It", directed by Marlinde van der Vaart and produced by Davina Procter. As You Like It is a play about love, gender, and shenanigans. It’s a classic Shakespeare comedy that has definitely stood the test of time and is just as, if not more, hilarious these days. A story full of love, drama and other shenanigans. If you are interested in being on the stage or helping out backstage you can find more information and sign up here

Educational Minor (DUTCH)

This text is intended for students who speak and read Dutch. Vanwege het grote lerarentekort in de bètavakken - Informatica, wiskunde, natuurkunde, scheikunde en biologie - biedt de RUG studenten verschillende mogelijkheden om een lesbevoegdheid te halen. Bachelor studenten kunnen in hun derde jaar de educatieve minor volgen en zo na hun diploma al lesgeven. Voor masterstudenten zijn er de master Science Education and Communication en de LVHO-opleiding, die hen eerstegraads bevoegd maken. Voor wie twijfelt of lesgeven iets voor hen is, biedt het vak Oriëntatie op Onderwijs in de Bètawetenschappen – beschikbaar voor zowel bachelor- als masterstudenten – een goede kennismaking. Deze programma’s geven niet alleen werkzekerheid, maar versterken ook je soft skills, zoals presenteren en communiceren. Neem de stap en ontdek hoe jij je kennis kunt inzetten in het onderwijs!

This is Cover's weekly newsletter. If you want to contribute to the newsletter send your ideas!

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