Happy valentines day!Good day everyone. Today is a day to cherish all that we have and to be thankful for the love that we may all receive. I wish everyone who is celebrating a happy valentines day, and I hope that those who don't also have an amazing day. As usual, we have a few events coming up to get you through the week.
Starting on Monday the 17th, de Kleine Consultant will help us organise a Pitch Training. A first impression is important in any scenario, your one chance to introduce yourself. Make sure to drop by for some tips and tricks.
On Tuesday we will be inviting all of our active members for the yearly Little LAMA. During this Little Lovely Active Members Activity we will enjoy some games, conversations, drinks and snacks. This promises to be a most fun evening.
The SympoCee has been hard at work to deliver you this years edition of the Cover Symposium, which will take place on the 20th of February. The theme this year is: "RenAIsSanCe". There will be a selection of talks by professionals, making this a fun as well as educational day.
Lastly, we are in preparations of the Half-year General Assembly. You can find the agenda for this General Assembly in your email. Make sure to join the GA in order to voice your opinion on important matters within the association. Before the GA we will have a Pre-GA Food Gathering.
See you at the bbq🍖🍺!
We want you to be in a committee!
⚠️ Here is a cool thingy for our new members: Ever heard of a committee? A committee is a group of friends that work towards a common goal. You can learn about all sorts of topics such as budgeting, planning, sponsoring, and much more! See the website for a complete overview of committees that are looking for members!
Are you good at mediating? Can you de-escalate and resolve conflicts or would you like to learn how? Then the Complaints Committee is for you! The Complaints Committee handles complaints confidentially and aims to solve the issues that come up. Through this committee, you can learn how to deal with conflicts and solve issues between people, a useful tool in the long run.
IntroCee is renewing! IntroCee is the committee in charge of organising the Introduction Week. The IntroWeek is the first week of uni that is filled with events for the first years so that thea can discover the university, Cover and to facilitate meeting new people. The main events during the week are the introductory barbecue and of course the IntroCamp: the weekend of fun and games! If you enjoyed your IntroCamp in your year and want to share that experience with the future first years, you can do so through IntroCee! Even if you didn't attend the IntroCamp, IntroCeeis a great committee to make an unforgettable event for the first years!
Are you interested in joining a committee? Don't hesitate to contact Phillip, our Commissioner of Internal Affairs.